February 12, 2024

Networking Like a Pro - Think like a VC

Have you ever thought about networking like investing? I've noticed that the way I make connections is a lot like how investors pick startups. Let's explore this interesting idea.

Networking Like a Pro - Think like a VC

Interview multiple candidates

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Search for the right experience

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  2. Porttitor nibh est vulputate vitae sem vitae.
  3. Netus vestibulum dignissim scelerisque vitae.
  4. Amet tellus nisl risus lorem vulputate velit eget.

Ask for past work examples & results

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  • Porttitor nibh est vulputate vitae sem vitae.
  • Amet tellus nisl risus lorem vulputate velit eget.
Vet candidates & ask for past references before hiring

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Once you hire them, give them access for all tools & resources for success

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When I think about making new professional contacts, I've started to see it kind of like being a smart investor or VC (venture capitalist). But instead of money, I invest my time, effort, and energy in people.

Imagine this: every time you meet someone new in your field, you're taking a chance on them. You share your ideas and advice, hoping that both of you will grow from it. It's like a smart investor picking a new company to support, not just with money, but with guidance.

What does this really mean? It's about picking quality over quantity. Every chat or meeting, like those quick digital catch-ups on LinkedIn or meeting IRL for coffee, is like looking for a great new company with a bright future. By meeting different kinds of people, our network grows in many ways. This can lead to working together, finding mentors, or making friends that last a lifetime.

The great thing about this is the variety of outcomes. As these new connections get stronger, we all benefit. We learn new things, open up new chances, and make our relationships stronger. It's a two-way street – we all help each other get better.

Seeing networking this way has changed how I approach it. Now, it's about helping each other, not just myself. By investing in others, we're making our own professional lives richer and more diverse. It's about everyone getting a chance to shine, and the rewards are more than just personal success – they're about making progress together.

In the grand bazaar of professional networking, thinking like a venture capitalist can be surprisingly useful. Of course, instead of pouring capital into promising startups, you're investing your time and wisdom into budding professionals. After being in the startup space for some time, here’s my somewhat satirical guide to mastering this art:

  1. Spotting Potential: Just as a VC might scrutinise a startup's business model, scrutinise a potential contact's LinkedIn profile. Is their summary more compelling than a Silicon Valley pitch deck? Bonus points if they use the word 'synergy'.
  2. Due Diligence: A venture capitalist wouldn’t invest without thorough research, and neither should you. Stalk... I mean, study your potential contact's online presence. If their tweets are more about cats than their career, maybe take a pause. Who am I kidding, I love a good cat meme.
  3. Risk Assessment: Remember, not all investments yield returns. That person who's always "about to disrupt the industry" might just disrupt your patience. Gauge the risk like a true VC – with a healthy dose of scepticism and a spreadsheet.
  4. Diversify Your Portfolio: Don't put all your networking eggs in one industry basket. Diversify! Today, a web3 enthusiast; tomorrow, a vegan pastry chef. The broader your network, the less likely it is to crash like the stock market.
  5. Mentorship and Guidance: Offer wisdom and guidance sparingly. Think of it as your "intellectual capital". Dole it out like a Series A funding round – enough to get them to the next level, but not so much that they stop trying.
  6. Exit Strategy: Not every connection is meant to last forever. Have an exit strategy for when a networking relationship has run its course. Unfollowing on LinkedIn should be as strategic as selling off a portion of your stock portfolio.
  7. ROI – Return on Interaction: Always assess your ROI. Did that coffee chat lead to a new insight, or was it just a caffeine-fuelled hour of nodding and smiling? Measure your networking success like a VC crunches numbers – with an overly complicated Excel sheet (I use Dex and Bronto to help me manage my contacts).
  8. Follow-up: Just like a VC stays updated with their investments, follow up with your contacts. A well-timed 'Congrats on the new job!' message can be as impactful as a quarterly earnings report.

By integrating these VC tactics into your networking approach, you may not become Silicon Valley's newest sensation, but you will likely cultivate a professional network that is both extensive and engaging. It's important to approach networking with intention and strategy, while also allowing room for light-hearted interactions and the occasional laugh. After all, the strongest connections are often built on a foundation of genuine rapport and shared smiles.

Remember, the most valuable investment you can make is often in relationships that are not just professionally beneficial but also personally enriching. Keep your sense of humour close at hand – it can be a powerful tool in breaking the ice and building bonds that last.

Happy connecting!

Shaena - your Professional Wing Woman


One of my company values is transparency, so I want to share that while I'm an enthusiastic user of Dex, I'm also a referral partner. This article isn’t sponsored; my endorsement comes from genuine experience and belief in its value. If you choose to explore Dex through my link, it supports my work at Tjena, aligning with our mission of fostering meaningful professional connections.

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